The Las Vegas Area Council kicked off our activities this year with the biggest Mountain Man Rendezvous on record. Over 1700 Scouts and 300 leaders enjoyed the beautiful weather at the Moapa Indian Reservation. In addition to the scouts and leaders in attendance it takes over 300 volunteers to pull this event off. A special thanks goes to event chairman Steve Ross, and Kenyon Crouch and Dan Lord for their leadership. This event would never happen without the sacrifice of all our passionate staff members.
Model Camp Site
This is what you would have seen in a real Mountain Man Rendezvous
Activities include Archery, Atlatle, Black Powder rifle and shotgun, panning, whips, beaver sticks, knife throwing, tomahawk, blacksmithing, arrowmaking, pioneering, slingshot, and so much more. The traders row is one of the favorite activities of all the boys.
Channel 3 NBC Las Vegas came out on Friday night and did the weather report. Check out our kids in action at the link below.
Join us next year for an even bigger and better Mountain Man Rendezvous. If your unit has never attended the Mountain Man Rendezvous you are missing out. You will not be disappointed and your boys will be begging you to go back year after year.