Friday, March 23, 2012

Jump For Scouting

How do you show your support for Scouting?  Are you willing to jump 855 feet off of the Statosphere Tower in an effort to raise money for inners city Scout units?  If so then next year you need to participate in the annual Jump For Scouting event.  This year the Las Vegas Area Council held its second annual Jump For Scouting to benefit the inner city Scoutreach programs of the Counil.  Each jumper is asked to raise $1,000 to sponsor their jump.  Many of them are willing to write a check and some had many friends and coworkers help pitch in.  In the end it is all the same valueable money is raised to provide Scouting to youth who can not afford it on their own.  What a great way to provide the values of Scouting to the youth of Las Vegas.

Show your support next year by jumping yourself or help fund a jumper from you business.

The following individuals participated in todays event.

Kelli Ross,
State Senate Canidate
Mark Hutchison
Senior Partner Hutchison & Steffen Law
Mark Shank
VP NV Energy
Caroline Ciocca,
Cash America
Jack Mallory, Int. Union Painters and Allied Trades
Mike Gorman,
AMR General Manager

Michelle Thackston,
City of Las Vegas
Tina Quigly
General Manager, Regional Transportation Commission
Darren Mehling
VP, United Healthcare of Las Vegas

Scott Stevens,
Towbin Auto Group
Chip Schwarze
Las Vegas Area Council
Kendra Calendine
Las Vegas Area Council
Ed Janov
Senior VP/Corp. Development Southwest Gas Corp.
Brandon Dervishan
Las Vegas Boy Scouts
Jessica Raftery,
Las Vegas Acad.

Keith Kelly
Las Vegas Area Council
JR Mendoza
Las Vegas Area Council
rked the second annual JUMP FOR SCOUTING.